
2.8.0 - Red-necked

02 November, 2020

  • Search autocomplete dropdown
  • JS: search.js
  • Bootstrap to v4.5.3
  • SCSS: _search-box.scss
  • SCSS: _hover.scss
  • SCSS: _icons.scss
  • SCSS: _navbar.scss
  • SCSS: Move all variables from _navbar-vertical.scss to _variables.scss
  • SCSS: Move _full-calendar.scss to plugins directory
  • SCSS: Rename _fullcalendar.scss to _full-calendar.scss
  • SCSS: _full-calendar.scss
  • JS: flatpickr.js
  • JS: chat.js
  • JS: calendar/index.js
  • JS: dropdown-on-hover.js
  • JS: Rename increment.js to quantity.js
  • Update date picker input field placeholder.
  • Today button in calendar.html
  • JS files Utils import issue.
  • Checkout page HTML
  • Remove tui-calendar.js
  • Add polyfil link to support Dropzone in Internet Explorer
2.7.3 - Eurasian hobby

30 August, 2020

  • Page: calendar.html
  • Plugin: FullCalendar JavaScript plugin
  • Plugin: day.js JavaScript plugin
  • JS: fullcalendar.js
  • JS: calendar/index.js
  • JS: calendar/events.js
  • JS: calendar/template.js
  • JS: navbar.js
  • JS: owl-carousel.js
  • SCSS: _flatpicker.scss
  • inbox.html
  • Remove cookie notice html from all pages
  • Inbox filter dropdown on RTL layout
  • Perfect scrollbar docs
2.7.2 - Banded kestrel

24 August, 2020

  • Plugin: select2-bootstrap4-theme plugin for stying Select2 plugin
  • JS: js/theme/animated-progressbar.js
  • SCSS: _select2.scss
  • Pages: landing.html
  • JS: js/theme/tinymce.js
  • Update scrollbar color of Navbar Standard in landing.html
  • Select2 input fields height issue
  • Navbar dropdown footer border top issue
2.7.1 - Dickinson's kestrel

24 July, 2020

  • Text break issue of total order card in Dashboard Alt
  • Remove unused data-countupp attribute from customers and orders cards in dashboard
2.7.0 - Fox Kestrel

15 July, 2020

  • Navbar combo layout
  • JS: navbar-combo.js
  • Update navbar vertical structure
  • SCSS: _navbar-vertical.scss
  • SCSS: _variables.scss
  • SCSS: _navbar.scss
  • JS: navbar.js
  • JS: utils.js
  • Long text cut off issue in navbar vertical link
  • Improve navbar vertical documentation
  • Dropdown issue in responsive of kanban page
  • Remove docs directory from pages/assets
Migration for Navbar Vertical v2.6.1 to v2.7.0
  • SCSS: _navbar-vertical.scss
  • SCSS: _navbar.scss
  • JS: navbar.js
  • JS: utils.js

If you want to migrate to v2.7.0 you must follow the steps below.

  1. Wrap all of your .navbar-collapse content with .navbar-vertical-content
  2. Remove .scrollbar and .perfect-scrollbar from .navbar-collapse and add those classes to the .navbar-vertical-content element as follows.
<nav class="navbar navbar-vertical navbar-expand-xl navbar-light">

  <!-- Content-->
  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
    <div class="navbar-vertical-content scrollbar perfect-scrollbar">

      <!-- Collapsible content-->
2.6.1 - Spotted Kestrel

25 Jun, 2020

  • HTML: kanban.html
  • SCSS: _kanban.scss
  • JS: detector.js
  • Column height issue in Kanban page in iPad
2.6.0 - Greater Kestrels

22 Jun, 2020

  • Navber Inverted in Navbar Vertical
  • Navbar Vibrant in Navbar Vertical
  • Navbar Card in Navbar Vertical
  • JS: file-input.js
  • .npmrc
  • chart.js v2.9.2 to v2.9.3
  • leaflet.js v1.6.0 to v1.3.4 for peer dependency warning
  • v1.10.20 to v1.10.21
  • v2.2.3 to v2.2.5
  • v2.2.3 to v2.2.5
  • dropzone v5.5.1 to v5.7.0
  • emojionearea v3.4.1 to v3.4.2
  • jquery-validation v1.19.1 to v1.19.2
  • jquery.mb.ytplayer v3.2.10 to v3.3.1
  • lottie-web v5.5.10 to v5.6.10
  • perfect-scrollbar v1.4.0 to v1.5.0
  • plyr v3.5.6 to v3.6.2
  • popper.js v1.16.0 to v1.16.1
  • prismjs v1.17.1 to v1.20.0
  • select2 v4.0.11 to v4.0.13
  • stickyfilljs v2.0.3 to v2.1.0
  • tinymce v5.1.1 to v5.3.1
  • Update all Dep Dependencies
  • Video playr in feed.html
  • SCSS: Convert px to rem
  • Replace presets env with @babel/preset-env in gulpfile.js
  • JS: navbar.js
  • JS: tooltip.js
  • JS: draggable.js
  • JS: stickykit.js
  • SCSS: theme/_variables.scss
  • SCSS: dark/_variables.scss
  • SCSS: _navbar-vertical.scss
  • SCSS: _navbar-vertical.scss
  • SCSS: _override.scss
  • SCSS: _buttons.scss
  • SCSS: _dropdowns.scss
  • Show file name on Custom file input
  • Hide Navbar top shadow on Navbar vertical scroll
  • Depricated warning
  • Hide npm warning
  • Form validation in Wizard when any step has no form
  • Tooltip issue
  • Navbar Top width on window resize
  • Kanban page container scroll while dragging
  • Navbar top shaking while resizing in Safari
2.5.0 - Laughing

21 May, 2020

  • Cookie Notice
  • Page: kanban.html
  • draggable.js JavaScript Plugin
  • Component: cookie-notice.html
  • JS: notice.js
  • JS: kanban.js
  • JS: draggable.js
  • SCSS: _notice.scss
  • SCSS: _kanban.scss
  • SCSS: dark/_user.scss
  • SCSS: dark/_user-variables.scss
  • Bootstrap v4.4.1 to v4.5.0
  • jQuery v3.4.1 to v3.5.1
  • progressbar.js v1.0.1 to v1.1.0
  • FontAwesome v5.11.2 to v5.13.0
  • SCSS: dark/_override.scss
  • SCSS: theme/utilities/_borders.scss
  • SCSS: theme/utilities/_hover.scss
  • SCSS:theme/_dropdown.scss
  • SCSS: theme/_browser-support.scss
  • SCSS: theme/_dropdown.scss
  • SCSS: theme/_mixed.scss
  • SCSS: theme/_text.scss
  • SCSS: theme/_modal.scss
  • SCSS: theme/_functions.scss
  • JS: Utils.js
  • JS: detector.js
  • JS: modals.js
  • JS: progress.js
  • .gitignore
  • Add polyfill link for progressbar.js in Dashboard alt and Progressbar component
  • Page: layouts/RTL.html
  • Page: layouts/fluid.html
2.4.1 - Sooty

28 March, 2020

  • Navbar top right icons
  • Page: dashboard.html
  • Scss: _navbar-top.scss
  • Scss: _animations.scss
  • Navbar top settings icon animation
2.4.0 - Chipping

24 March, 2020

  • Page: widgets.html
  • Component: Navbar Top
  • Component: Sidepanel
  • Dropdown On Hover
  • Js: dropdown-on-hover.js
  • Js: modal.js
  • Scss: _animations.scss
  • Scss: _modal.scss
  • Js: demo-mode.js
  • Authentication: wizard.html
  • components: dropdowns.html
  • Scss: _variables.scss
  • Scss: _buttons.scss
  • Scss: _navbar-vertical.scss
  • Scss: _navbar.scss
  • Scss: _navbar-top.scss
  • Scss: _plyr.scss
  • Scss: _functions.scss
  • Scss: _scrollbar.scss
  • Scss: _buttons.scss
  • Scss: _override.scss
  • Scss: _form.scss
  • Scss: _mixed.scss
  • Scss: utilities/_background.scss
  • Scss: utilities/_text.scss
  • Scss: data-table.scss
  • Scss: _search-box.scss
  • Js: leaflet.js
  • Js: demo-mode.js
  • Js: detector.js
  • Search box text alignment in Safari
  • Fix HP logo in Safari in profile.html
  • Remove SCSS deprecation warning from console.
2.3.2 - Nankeen Kestrel

9 February, 2020

  • Js: navbar.js
  • Plugins: leaflet.html
  • Navbar Vertical collapse issue on hover
2.3.1 - Common Kestrel

3 February, 2020

  • Js: dropdown-menu.js
  • Js: gulpfile.js
  • Js: leaflet.js
  • Leaflet map markers
  • Dropdown menu in table-responsive
2.3.0 - Lesser Kestrel

26 January, 2020

  • Js: config.navbar-vertical.js
  • Navbar vertical collapsed
  • Component: navbar-vertical.html
  • Js: navbar.js
  • Js: Rename config.js to config.dark-mode.js
  • Scss: _navbar-vertical.scss
  • Scss: _buttons.scss
  • Scss: _override.scss
  • Scss:_navbar.scss
  • gulpfile.js
  • Navbar toggler in responsive
  • leaflet.js world map min-height in responsive
  • Text color of btn-light disabled button in dark mode
2.2.0 - Laggar

05 January, 2020

  • Js: leaflet.js JavaScript Plugin
  • Js: leaflet-markercluster.js Javascript Plugin
  • Js: leaflet.tilelayer.colorfilter.js Javascript Plugin
  • Js: config.js
  • Js: demo-mode.js
  • Replace Echart World Map with Leaflet in Dashboard
  • Built echarts.min.js from Echarts Online Builder
2.1.0 - Barbary

10 December, 2019

  • Page: Wizard in authentication
  • Plugin: Twitter Bootstrap Wizard jQuery plugin
  • Plugin: Jquery Validation jQuery Plugin
  • Plugin: Dropzone JavaScript Plugin
  • Plugin: Lottie JavaScript Plugin
  • Js: Added select2.js
  • Bootstrap v4.4.1
  • Bootstrap spinner animation
  • disabled :hover state of button in Dark Mode
  • Event Create page with Dropzone
  • Scss: _borders.scss
  • Js: flatpickr.js
2.0.0 - Black

07 November, 2019

  • Dark Theme
  • Plugin: Added Perfect Scrollbar javaScript plugin
  • Css: theme-dark.css
  • Css: theme-dark-rtl.css
  • Sss: dark.css in assets/lib/flatpicker
  • Scss: theme-dark.scss
  • Scss: dark/_variables.scss
  • Scss: dark/_override.scss
  • Scss: Add scss directory in pages/assets/select2
  • Js: config.js
  • Js: demo-mode.js
  • Plugin: Perfect Scrollbar for IEand Edge
  • Fix dashboard table dropdown in IPad
  • Scss: plugins/_emojionearea.scss
  • Scss: plugins/_flatpicker.scss
  • Scss: plugins/_toastr.scss
  • Scss: plugins/_select2.scss
  • Scss: plugins/_tinymce.scss
  • Js: Utils.js
  • Js: detector.js
  • Js: chart.js
  • Js: chat.js
  • Js: dropdown-menu.js
  • Update Smooth Scroollbar with default scrollbar in chat.js
  • Update default scrollbar with css styled scrollbar in Navbar Vertical
1.9.0 - Bat

16 October, 2019

  • Page: Dashboard Alt
  • Component: Accordion
  • Plugin: Added Echarts.js javaScript plugin
  • Plugin: Added Lodash javaScript plugin
  • Scss: Added _table.scss
  • Scss: Added _echarts.scss
  • Scss: Added _dashboard_alt.scss
  • Added background soft color varient
  • Fix product slide on Ecommerce
  • Scss: Update _data-table.scss
  • Scss: Update _navbar-top.scss
  • Scss: Update _variables.scss
  • Scss: Update _toastr.scss
  • Scss: Remove _overflow.scss
  • Js: Update data-table in theme.js
  • Js: Update chart in theme.js
  • Js: Update Utils in theme.js
  • Add autoprefixer configuration in package.json
  • Update autoprefixer configuration in gulpfile.js
  • Component: Update Dropdown page
  • Plugin: Update Data Table Page
  • Replace Semantic Accordion with Bootstrap Accordion in pricing.html
  • Remove Flexslider jQuery plugin
  • Remove Remodal jQuery plugin
  • Remove Semantic Accordion jquery plugin
1.8.2 - Brown

19 September, 2019

  • Fix table dashboard dropdown menu in iPad and iPhone
1.8.1 - Taita

21 August, 2019

  • Update basic authentication pages
  • Update Lock Screen page of basic layout
1.8.0 - Amur

1 August, 2019

  • Added cover layout of all authentication pages
  • Added card layout of all authentication pages
  • Modal layout example of authentication page
  • Update dashboard table with Data Table plugin
  • Update Customers and Orders page in e-commerce
  • Add collapse in Intro section of Profile page
  • Update Associations page
  • Update Inbox page in Email
1.7.0 - Eleonora's

2 July, 2019

  • Dashboard table dropdown issue in Firefox
  • Page: Chat
  • Plugiss="dropdown-item" href="#!">Resize ArchiveDelete